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如何保障Personal Statement的开头不仅有创意又不枯燥乏味?

 2022-05-05 10:56:12      

许多同学们在写国外留学申请书原材料的情况下,在其中personal statement原材料可谓是煞费苦心,开头就不知道道怎么写。personal statement开头怎样保证不仅有艺术创意又不枯燥乏味呢?文中小编就为大伙儿共享集中化personal statement开头方式及其一些开头案例剖析。

许多同学们在写国外留学申请书原材料的情况下,在其中personal statement原材料可谓是煞费苦心,开头就不知道道怎么写。personal statement开头怎样保证不仅有艺术创意又不枯燥乏味呢?文中小编就为大伙儿共享集中化personal statement开头方式及其一些开头案例剖析。

普遍personal statement开头写作技巧:




如果是专业,实际上你要必须有一个一部分便是表述你专业的主观因素来由,你又添加评价领域事实,motivation一部分就较为负累和反复了。所以说像点评领域事实、新闻报道这类的物品,我建议是本技术专业申请办理的学员可以用这一。例如许多申请办理金融业的学员便会很喜欢写金融风暴,类似得话许多学员喜爱写美国华尔街这部影片对自身的危害是啥,这种全是一个较为老的开头话题讨论,以2020年这一方式得话,cold virus肯定是一个十分火的物品。这类当下很火爆的内容,毫无疑问要写它的人也十分多,假如你的好点子或是视角不足与众不同,我认为你比不上换一个好的。


之上便是几类普遍的personal statement开头写作技巧,如果对此还是感到很困惑,

与此同时,小编还为大伙儿带来了一些personal statement开头范例剖析:

【personal statement开头事例1剖析】

My perception of individual insurance products was reversed during my internship at Prudential Hong Kong Limited.I used to think those products were impractical and low cost-effective for most people,where you overpaid for the rare events for a long time but might gain no returns.However,after studying the real cases in depth,I realized that I valued the products as a one-time investment for maximizing profits ideally,ignoring combing with the individual’s life security.As a bystander,I took the rare events as some facts supporting my counting,while as an individual who was suffering from those unexpected things,such as accidents,critical illnesses,and property losses,he might face the end of the world.The life risks were hardly eliminated,but could be alleviated by allocating insurance in advance,where the suffered people could leverage more funds and get better resources to cover their medical bills,avoid bankruptcy,and restart their lives.By then,I understood the most significant but invisible idea behind:life risks control.

Besides raising my individual insurance awareness,the internship experience also provides me with a new idea in the context of corporate finance management.In addition to investing proactively in those high-reward projects,utilizing risk control tools to transfer internal risks from the company is also necessary.Intrigued by the application of risk control in the current business world,I set up my mind to explore the area in my future career.


【personal statement开头事例2剖析】

‘Even a pig can fly once lying in the right wind tunnel.’This is a famous Chinese phrase that precisely describes the nature of sudden blowout of emerging industries.The story of OFO Sharing Bicycles is a perfect illustration of this theory.Ripened by capital support,OFO expanded at light speed and then took a sudden nosedive until hitting the full stop.This very same story has led to my career aspiration.

Curious about the back stage story,I did a research on sharing economy and sharing bicycle industry when I took part in the IMA Campus Managerial Accounting Case Competition.To conclude,OFO’s failure is rooted in its financing strategy and investment direction,which completely ignored the top influencing feature of sharing economy:long return period.While OFO poured excessive money into expanding global territory,its cash flow and capital chain got tighter and tighter.Its complicated financing structure:equity and debt combined financing,only adds stress to its conditions.It was only a matter of time for the illusion to burn out.Apparently,its strategy marked the ending.

The biggest enlightenment I gained from this project is the understanding that strategic investment is the matter of life-and-death for enterprises,especially startups.Strategic investment,as the inner vitality of any enterprise,determines the future direction and competitive potential.I deeply admire those who possess such great abilities and I have made up my mind to pursue a career in this direction.


【personal statement创作小结】

personal statement实际上关键的是让院校搞清楚你一直在有这种醒目的历经另外,你有一个哪些的清楚总体目标,你对这一领域,你需要走的方位有什么深层次的掌握。大伙儿在写公文以前一定要好好地的把自己的原材料、总体目标开展思索,思索实际上超过写。


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