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一、Paraphrasing with synonyms
词性转换,便是用词性转换全文的语汇。可是什么词是能够被更换的呢的??关键还是实义词(Content words),例如形容词(verb),修饰词(Adjective),介词(Adverb)这种更有意义的语汇。举好多个事例看来一下吧;
1.Clovis(2008)argued that significant improvements were required.
Clovis(2008)stated that substantial progress was needed.
2.Students’responses to the questionnaire were collected quickly.
Students’answers to the survey were obtained rapidly.
二、Active VoicePassive Voice(Verb)
1.Students take an IELTS test are examined in reading,listening,speaking and writing.
An IELTS test examines students’reading,listening,speaking and writing.
2.Six countries founded the European Economic Community when they signed the Treaties of Rome in 1957.
The European Economic Community was founded when the Treaties of Rome were signed by six countries in 1957.
专有名词化实际上是我感觉最好用的改变方式,主要是专有名词化能够给你的改变或是论述更为(字)客(数)观(多)。这一方式一般是把动词短语(Verb Phrase)改为名词短语(Noun Phrase),形容词(verb)改为noun of noun的方式,
1.It is often argued that the growth of the Internet has made it more difficult for universities to prevent plagiarism.
A common argument is that the growth of the Internet has made the prevention of plagiarism more difficult for universities.
2.Students frequently complain about their workload.
A frequent complaint of students concerns how much work they have to do.
四、Reversing positives and negatives
1.It is not unusual for many international students to experience culture shock when they first arrive in the UK.
It is relatively common for many international students to experience culture shock when they first arrive in the UK.
2.British law requires universities to make reasonable adjustments in order to accommodate disabled students.
British law does not require universities to make unreasonable adjustments in order to accommodate disabled students.
五、Reversing the order of information
一个语句中会出现不一样的信息内容,根据更改信息内容的部位也是能够做到复述的目地,可是独立应用这一方式并不可以做到复述的目地.例如I finished my undergraduate study at University of Leicester in 1996.
改变成In 1996,I finished my undergraduate study at University of Leicester.尽管信息内容部位更改了,可是句法结构和语汇并没有更改,依然会被判断为剽窃。可是假如改为那样,In 1996,I got my bachelor degree from University of Leicester.
1.Before a British Bill of Parliament becomes law,the Queen signs it.
After the Queen has signed it,a British Bill of Parliament becomes law.
2.假如想非常好的开展复述,一定要留意提升自己的英语的语法和语汇,那样才可以精确的表述出创作者的含义。有关语汇的难题,有时记不得那么多近义词或是反义,这个时候能够寻求帮助能够出示同义替换的英英字典(say no to有道在线and谷歌在线翻译),例如我自身常常用的Dictionary.com/Longman Dictionary(all free)。
3.这五种方式提议混合应用,例如可以用同义替换passive voice,那样才可以减少被判断为剽窃的风险性。记牢,复述一定要重视文中的本意。
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