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大学essay写作技巧 刚开始写essay我要怎么做呢?

 2021-12-06 01:20:25      

英文论文这个概念实际上包含的种类很多,大体上都称作“英文论文”,其实,这个term 囊括了essay, paper, report, research proposal, thesis, dissertation 以及literature review.

英文论文这个概念实际上包含的种类很多,大体上都称作“英文论文”,其实,这个term 囊括了essay, paper, report, research proposal, thesis, dissertation 以及literature review. 它们的写法,有些微小的区别,打个比方,report就和essay不一样。Essay代写


· Essay是一般意义上的英文论文,总体上分为introduction,main body 和conclusion三个部分。

· Report分为 executive summary,introduction,main body,conclusion 和recommendations。这种区别是由report本身的特点决定的,report旨在找到problems, 并针对其给出相应的recommendations.

写以上所有类型的英文论文都需要从introduction 开始,那么怎么写introduction呢,一般来说,按照这样的套路写,就不会有大问题:

Lead-in➡background/context➡reference to relevant studies/literature➡critical analysis➡thesis statement/main argument➡organization/layout of the writing,下面用一个具体例子来说明。



introduction过后,就是main body, body 部分是由几个paragraphs构成的,那么每个paragraph怎么写呢,一般来说,paragraph writing 包含以下四点:

Ø A linking word (a word or short phrase that signposts to the reader what is now about to be written is linked to what has been written in the previous paragraph;

Ø An opening statement that informs the reader of what the paragraph will be about (known as a “topic sentence”);

Ø Between 2-3 controlling ideas (ofen, these are opinions/ points of view);

Ø It must be demonstrated why each controlling idea has been mentioned (why you think this idea is important).




linking word + topic sentence+controlling idea + why important

body 部分完了就是conclusion,conclusion相对简单,主要由两部分组成:

reworded thesis statement + clincher

Ø Reworded thesis statement

作用:remainds readers of the main point of the writing

方法:similar to the reworded topic sentence that one works with on the one- paragraph essay.

Ø Clincher

作用:to give readers a sense of finality

方法:resonate with the motivator in introduction


有个必须要注意的问题:老师把抄袭现象视为违反了academic integrity,一旦被发现,轻则给低分或者要求重写,重则给0分甚至开除学校。所以,一定要学会把references的有用信息进行paraphrasing,不可直接引用过多甚至直接复制粘贴,因为任何的抄袭都逃不过turnitin的检测,如图 (标颜色的地方都代表重复了):





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