2021-08-25 11:25:23
" Ali"是一位来自剑桥大学的初级医师学霸," prize for best exam performance in the year"(年度最佳考试成绩),在他大学三年的学习生涯中,撰写论文一直都是一件简单的事。这其中一个很重要的原因,是因为他的学习方法,很硬核,先收集过去的论文,预先预知好 essay的题目,再通过大量记忆相关论文,完成熟悉题目。此外,在论文原创与写作高质量信息方面,都有自己独特的见解。现在让我们来看看,这个学霸,是怎么面对 eesay的!
定下主题范围,找出涵盖大纲范围的小题目,然后大量阅读,这样带来的好处是:“站在考官的角度来思考,我有没布置什么论文题目”然后每个题目,大概读三个,记三个论文,然后你会发现你记忆的越多, essay对你来说越容易。
这一点看起来要很多,其实并不多,如果要对比每一篇 essay主题,量很大,但是,根据帕累托原理学习20%的内容,通常可以决定80%的结果(例如:吉他只要学四个和弦就可以弹奏大部分主流歌曲)所以很多事情学起来没有你想象中的那么难!当多读了以后,在 essay考试后,脑中就会出现相关的考试内容,即使有时候没有碰到以前的记忆题目类型,但是相互结合的知识,同样能让你迅速找到相似的内容,并结合成自己的语言,在短时间内完成 essay的写作。
撰写一篇具有高度创意的 essay文章,其中最重要的一点是了解 essay所要求的主题。看见很多人说:“要提前去讲义和推荐书,其实没问题。”但你想要提高自己的独创性,体现你的独到见解,那么事先去阅读讲义和推荐书是不好的。由于你们的同学们又不傻,大家都去看,最后容易导致论文思路一致。因此,我自己的建议是,在确定主题之后,先去 googel找一些综述类文章,当然这些文章一般都是直接回答我们的问题,这样的情况你多看看几篇论文的答案,你自己心里的答案,基本上已经到手了。
再根据这些内容来制定自己的论文计划。写完论文计划后,再找出支持自己观点的资料,并在文章中记录,写成文章,这样你会比大多数人更有创意。接着就是具体查找文献,在查找文献的过程中,把你认为有用的内容,记入文档。最好自己陈述一遍,记得在底部写清楚文献来源,方便查阅。事实上,只要一开始你的阅读量上升,根据你之前的调查阅读过的文献,你心中大概已经有了既定的主题内容,然后再参照前面的内容,你实际上可以写一篇 essay。
The historical view in the social sciences has always been that judgments are based solely on content information, with individuals being assumed to form judgments by systematically evaluating all available content information in an unbiased manner. However, over the past three decades, a considerable amount of research has challenged this assumption by showing that judgments may be formed not only on the basis of content information (cognitive judgments) but also on the basis of feelings (affective judgment). It is now well accepted that judgment can be both affective and cognitive. Whether it is one or the other depends on a multitude of factors: (1) the salience of the affective feelings, (2) the representativeness of the affective feelings for the target, (3) the relevance of the feelings for the judgment, (4) the evaluative malleability of the judgment, and (5) the level of processing intensity. I will discuss these in turn, and ultimately argue that generally speaking, in day-to- day life, the circumstances are generally those that result in affective rather than cognitive judgments and decision-making.
The historical view in the social sciences has always been that judgments are based solely on content information, with individuals being assumed to form judgments by systematically evaluating all available content information in an unbiased manner. However, over the past three decades, a considerable amount of research has challenged this assumption by showing that judgments may be formed not only on the basis of content information (cognitive judgments) but also on the basis of feelings (affective judgment).
(1) the salience of the affective feelings, (2) the representativeness of the affective feelings for the target, (3) the relevance of the feelings for the judgment, (4) the evaluative malleability of the judgment, and (5) the level of processing intensity.
and ultimately argue that generally speaking, in day-to- day life, the circumstances are generally those that result in affective rather than cognitive judgments and decision-making.
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