2021-04-20 21:59:43
相信大家读完这段对于什么是一个好的论点也有了大概的理解,那么我们怎么写出好的论点呢,这里开始给介绍一些三个小技巧: The bottom-up approach, The top-down approach, The simplify the question approach。现在让我们一个一个来看一下。
1. The Bottom-up Approach
很多烤鸭在面对比较难的问题的时候很难第一时间就想出一个论点,但是大部分人还是可以举出一两个关于这个话题的简单事例。那么Bottom-up approach就是从这个事例着手,围绕着这个事例想出我们的相关论点。举个例子:
"Men and women are capable of doing all jobs equally well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?"
大部分考生看到这个问题的时候一般第一反应都是选“disagree”,可是要说理由的时候大部分人只能想到工地的体力活或者幼教之类的例子,虽然这些例子都是不错的例子,但他们只是例子,不能作为论点直接写出来,如果你把你的论点写成:The first reason why men and women are suited to different jobs is construction work. 那基本上这篇文章就凉了。因为这是个例子不是观点。
所以我们要自问一下,我到底是举了个什么事情的例子。拿“construction work”这个例子来说我们可以这样问自己:
What does construction work show us?
- Men are generally physically stronger than women.
Ok, so why does that mean men and women can’t do the same job?
- They have different physical attributes.
The first reason men and women are suited to different jobs is that they have different physical attributes.
Bottom-up approach最好的一点就是你不需要考虑论点能不能拓展,因为你本来就想好了例子来支撑你的论点!那么bottom-up是由例子拓展到论点,top-down就很明显了。
2. The Top-Down Approach
"What are the advantages and disadvantages of school uniforms?"
很多同学看到这个题目可能第一个想到并不是例子,而是一个词“the same”,因为校服都是一个样子的嘛。这个词其实就包含着我们的论点,但是单单这一个词并不能作为一个论点,如果你写了One good thing about school uniforms is that everybody is the same. 那又凉了。
“the same”作为一个观点实在太模糊,到底是什么东西the same?大家的思想?教育?喜好?这就不够简洁明了,范围太广。所以我们要用top-down approach来让我们的观点更准确,明白。
那么具体该怎么操作呢?还是一样的,我们问问自己几个简单的问题,top-down approach的话就问自己What、How、Why:
What is good about school uniforms?
- Everybody is the same.
Why is it an advantage that everybody is the same?
- It creates equality in the classroom.
- People are judged on their performance, not their appearance.
One argument in favour of uniforms is that they create equality in classrooms by allowing students to be judged on their performance, not their appearance.
这两种方法都非常好用,但是他们都要求你至少已经有了一点想法 – 不论是具体的例子还是模糊的概念。如果你是在大脑空白什么也想不出来怎么办,那么最后一个办法可以帮到你 The simplify the question approach.
3.The Simplify The Question Apporach
雅思的写作问题大部分都是关于社会问题或者是现在的某种趋势,对于很多学生来说光是理解就有很大的困难。而且问题语言通常都是学术语言,让同学们理解的难度就更高了。这里我们就要用the simplify the question approach来把他的问题语言简化成我们更好理解的语言,从而帮助激发我们相处论点。
记住这一点,我们要答题的时候都要直接回答题目中给出的问题,如果改变了topic那么就可以和TR分说再见了。但是也不用太担心,通常来说简单的改写问题让问题更好理解并不是十分困难。很多复杂的问题都可以转化成一个简单的YES OR NO问题。还是看一个例子:
"In many places, new homes are needed but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe that it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this?"
Should we build new homes in the countryside?
是不是一下就变得很好理解了?当你决定好Yes or No了以后,只要问自己why:
Should we build new homes in the countryside?
- Yes
- We have to provide affordable housing, and that requires new-build properties on the outskirts of cities.
人类都是好奇宝宝,所以一个简单的why问题可以让我们打通我们的思路,更轻松的想出之前想不到的好论点!再比如Advantages and Disadvantages Questions:
"Today, more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourist who visit such place?"
Why do people travel extreme places like the Sahara or the Antarctic?
They are seeking adventure. It’s human nature to explore. They want to test their physical limits.
而Disadvantages我们只要问自己Why not:
Why don’t people travel to extreme places like the Sahara or the Antarctic?
It’s expensive. It requires physical endurance. It can be life-threatening.
这里并没有改变题目本身的topic,只是改了问问题的方式,变成了简单的yes or no或者是why的问题,让我们思考起来简单直接了很多。
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